Newport Beach is located in Orange County, Calif., and made up of 10 different neighborhoods. The biggest challenge when traveling to Newport Beach is determining which neighborhood is right for you. Each neighborhood offers a distinct feel to call home, and hotel prices vary greatly. You can book a cheap hotel in Newport Beach if you know when to go and where to look. It’s an expensive destination, but it can be managed on any traveler’s budget.
Where to Stay
You don’t need to sacrifice location to stay by the beach. Within walking distance are many highly rated and cheap hotels. Start your hotel search off Main Street but close enough to walk to the action. Hotels will drop in price but keep you close to the beach. If you truly want to enjoy the outdoors, check out the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort & Marina. This camping site and RV park offers a beautiful place to call home on the water. There are spaces for campers and cozy cottages for rent to keep you on budget.
Best Time to Visit
Summers at Newport Beach are crowded as you would expect. Prices rise and fall with the seasons, but the good news is the shoulder seasons are wonderful times to visit as well. Take advantage of this year-round destination, and plan your trip during the months leading up to summer or just after. With miles of hiking trails and outdoor activities, Newport Beach is more than just a beach destination in the summer.
Dine Out For Less
Restaurants are one of the biggest expenses when traveling, and eating out every night isn’t cheap. However, you can dine out for lunch and stay in for dinner to save money. Restaurants typically offer a lunch menu featuring similar courses for dinner but for less. Restaurant week offers an even better way to save. Many great restaurants offer prix-fixe menus where lunches start at just $10 and dinners for $20. Dining out for lunch is a great option no matter the time of year.
Visit the Free Attractions
The beach is the top free attraction and home to 10 miles of pristine shores for you to relax on, but Newport is more than just the beach. The parks offer amazing hikes and a great way to enjoy the outdoors and take a break from the beach. The 10.5-mile Back Bay Loop Trail of Upper Newport Bay offers great trails and a chance to take in the estuary’s wildlife. Choose from kayaking and hiking trails in the park from where almost 200 species of birds call home.
Planning Your Trip
If the time of year is a major factor when planning your trip, you might have to sacrifice on location. Look for cheap hotels just off the main strip or consider more economical options like cottages or Airbnb rentals. The high-price resorts will not budge on price in the summer months. Offset high prices by enjoying the free attractions of Newport Beach and making the most of your stay. Newport Beach can be enjoyed on any budget.
Photo by Zachary Jorgensen via