Now that most airlines charge to check bags, carrying on overpacked rollers, duffle bags, shopping and diaper bags can be a common site when boarding an airplane. Not only is their a chance that your bag will not fit and need to be checked plane side, your bags may need to be rearrange or shoved into a corner to make room for everyone elses 2+ bags.
If you are traveling with a suit coat, garmet bags or other important items you can request the captians closet. You do not have to be carrying a tuxedo or wedding dress, just simply as for a special place to store your carry on items. The perk is often only available for the first class cabin but with a polite smile and reason for the flight attendant to believe that what is inside your bag is special you can set your carry on items safely and with leisure.

1. Check which type of plane you are flying. Smaller commuter planes may not have a cpatains closet, and may require a majority of bags to be checked.
2. Call ahead if you have time. Airlines will be able look up your flight information and make a note to have you board first to stowe your items. Whe in doubt use the wedding excuse.
3. Try to board as early as possible. Politely ask a flight attendant if you may place your items in the captains closet if you have not called ahead.
4. Use your manners of course. It doesn’t hurt to throw in a few please and thank you’s while asking for this luggage option.
Photo: Telstar Logistics via Flickr
Photo: caribb via Flickr