When you arrive in a foreign country you have already purchased your plane ticket and paid for part or all of your hotel but hidden costs are everywhere once you are on the ground. One of them can be tickets or fees to get into certain attractions so here are some suggestions for enjoying Paris on a cheaper budget.
Paris can be a very expensive city to wine and dine in but it can also be a cheap date if you spend the day taking advantage of these free attractions.
1. Cathedrale de Nortre Dame de Paris
To visit this Parisan icon is free but the lines can be quite long depending on the time of year. Plan to spend an hour or two to wait in line, look around and observe all of the incredible Gothic aarchitecture.

2. Basilique de Sacre Coeur
Here is another church that is free to visit and boasts one of the most breathtaking views of Paris. Last time I was in Paris we spend New Years Eve with locals at a tiny tiny pub on the alleys leading up to white stone wonder know as Sacre Coeur. We popped our own Champagne, sang and danced the night away and enjoyed the chilly evening leading into the new year.

3. Galeries Lafayette Free Fashion Shows
When you think of Paris you think of fashion. Wonder through Galeries Lafayette any time to see the most extravagant apparel, food halls, spices and luxury items. But even better, you can be seated at a free fashion show. Every Friday afternoon at 3pm you can visit the 7th floor. The thirty minute show is done in English, but does require reservations for a seat. You can reserve a space by emailing welcome@galerieslafayette.

4. Quai de la Mégisserie
A street in the 1st arriondissement in Paris, on the banks of the Seine. This street is lined with beautiful shops but is most well known for all of the pet and plant stores. From exotic animals to puppies up for adoption this section of town is worth a stroll. It may only take you an hour but a very fun charming afternoon while enjoying the view and the spark of the live along the Seine.

Wherever the day takes you Paris is best seen on foot. Get out and wander the city to explore all that is free to do in Paris!