Airline fees are sometimes difficult to find when purchasing a flight. You probably won’t see the costs for checked bags, snacks, or additional legroom when making your purchase. Luckily, Kayak lists the major carriers fees in an easy-to-read chart.
The chart includes:
- Bag Fees (each way)
- Meals
- Snacks
- Pets
- Unaccompanied Minors
- Seat Assignment/ Legroom
These little fees can add up. Unless you have one the airlines credit cards or are a frequent flyer some of them, such as bag fees, may be unavoidable. Before you buy use this chart to understand the full cost of a flight. The purchase of the flight is often just the beginning.
The Best (lowest fees): Southwest-No baggage fee as you probably already know
The Worst (highest fees): Sprit– Charge up to $45 for a carry-on.
Check out the full chart from Kayak here.