The time of year we choose to travel will greatly impact our vacations and travel experiences. Traveling to a destination during peak season will result in higher airfare, higher hotel room and…
Clint Johnston
Clint Johnston
I have been traveling to over 100 countries by using the methods I share on this site. My goal is to maximize every trip and make the most of my adventures. Join me on Instagram.
We all know using your phone’s data plan abroad can rack up some huge cell phone bills which is why it is smart to avoid using data whenever possible. The smartest thing…
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How to Use iPhone Data Abroad
For smart phone users the idea of simply turning off your data is sometimes not an option. If there is no free Wi-Fi in range sometimes you have to use your data…
Mastering a language is no easy task but learning key phrases and brushing up on a language you already know (or kind of know) can go a long way in a foreign…
I always use SeatGuru before I pick my seat on any flight. It allows me to see exactly where the best seats are and what drawbacks some may have. When you are…
I am currently en route to Boston from MSP on Delta right now and decided to test out the free Wi-Fi they are now offering to access Amazon and other sponsored sites.…
Whenever I travel for an extended trip, let’s say more than 10 days, I have to make careful packing decisions. I never want to bring more than I need but if I…